AQHA - NZ Cattle Fundraising Scheme

We are in the process of setting up a cattle fundraising scheme to help with the funding required to run our organisation. At this stage, we are seeking expressions of interest in participating in this scheme and to which level you may choose to participate.

We will have several levels of participation of which you could choose one or multiple levels as follows:

1) Providing a calf to be raised.

2) Providing funds to purchase milkpowder/meal.

3) Raising a calf through to weaning.

4) Grazing a calf from weaning to a saleable age.

Note that participation at any level will be greatly appreciated by the AQHA-NZ Council and the membership in general. Also, please be aware that all levels other that level 2 will provide you to be NAIT registered as per current legislation.

If you may be interested/able to participate in this scheme, can you please submit your expressions of interest to Ollie Nicholas at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you in advance

Your AQHA-NZ Council