AQHA-NZ Youth Development Programme
The squad meets three times a year generally in school holidays for training and other activities. Whether you have your sights set on the World Cup or the Trans Tasman Challenge (in which case you must be a squad member) or just want to improve your riding skills and have fun, this is the place to do it.
What is it?
The youth development programme (known as the youth squad) has been developed through the AQHA-NZ for all youth, regardless of age and location, who own and ride a quarter horse.
To provide training and development opportunities three times per year to youth riders at different locations throughout New Zealand. These have predominantly been in the North Island due to the majority of its members being in this location.
Can anyone join?
This programme is open to all youth riders aged 18years and under who own (have their quarter horse in their name) and ride a quarter horse.
What does the programme offer?
* Great new friendships and team building activities.
* Three training and development weekends throughout the year. These weekends are usually in the middle weekend of the school holidays with the youth camp being held early January for all youth to attend (members and non-members).
* Quality training techniques by professional trainers and ex-youth who share their knowledge and experience to improve the riding ability of the youth.
* Opportunities to represent New Zealand both within New Zealand and overseas.
* To be part of a dynamic and enthusiastic group of youth working towards bettering their riding skills and abilities in all areas of Western Riding.
How much does it cost?
A fee of $150 (plus GST - $172.50) per year will include all of the above. Fees are payable by September 1st for the year.
Can I come and see before I join?
Any youth are welcome to come to any of the weekend meets and see what the youth are involved in. There is a cost of $75 for the weekend.
Contact: for any enquiries or questions, don't hesitate to contact the Youth Director
Qualifying procedures for Trans Tasman and/or AQHA Youth World Cup (these events are independent of one another)
Criteria for selection eligibility for these events are as follows:
- Payment is for a two year cycle, for example -
- Pay BY 1st September 2016 - for nomination of TT 2017 & YWC 2018.
- Pay BY 1st September 2017, continue from last year, goes on to YWC 2018.
- Pay BY 1st September 2018 start fresh, for TT 2019 & YWC 2020. And so on.
- Fees to be paid by 1 September EVERY year are:
QH Youth Camps – 3 camps a year |
$150 plus GST = $172.50 |
Trans Tasman and Youth World Cup Nomination |
$250 plus GST = $287.50 |
Casual Youth Camp |
$75 per camp |
Criteria for nominated youth for AQHA NZ Trans Tasman and Youth World Cup
- Must be a financial member of AQHA NZ for the previous two years.
- Must be a financial member of the youth development squad for a two year period.
- Must attend the Youth development squad training weekends - three camps a year. If dispensation is required - this needs to be applied for prior to the missed camp, NOT after.
- Must show dedication to AQHA NZ - at youth camps, riders over the age of 10 must ride a registered quarter horse.
- Must pay an annual team nomination fee.
- Attend a AQHA NZ Closed Show (either North or South Island).
- Attend the AQHA NZ National Show.
- Attend the January youth camp.
- Attend interviews at the January camp (for World Cup).
- Must show their own or family owned AQHA NZ registered quarter horse in a minimum of 3 events at a minimum of 5 shows each year.
- Must participate in youth fundraising activities. Each youth is expected to fundraise $500 each year.
- Payments to be made by required deadlines.
- Must sign and abide by the AQHA NZ Youth Code of Conduct.